Tuesday, August 26, 2014

AEE 100 - First Day Fun!!

Greetings AEE 100'ers!

First off, I am super stoked to be teaching my very first semester of AEE 100 with all of you fine folks.  It looks like we have an eclectic group of individuals that bring a wealth of different experiences, knowledge, skills, and creativeness.  I LOVE IT!  Although I know that not all of you are aspiring to become a teacher of agricultural sciences, we are all here to learn more about being an agriculture educator in the broader sense of the word and how we can do it effectively!

This semester is going to be FUN!  By the tickets out, I sense that some of you are overwhelmed with the materials, expectations, and assignments.  NO WORRIES! I am here to help you achieve academic success and begin a JOURNEY of great experiences in agriculture education.  The Assignment Handbook looks daunting, but believe me, the assignments are manageable and will have impact beyond this course.  Please feel free to ASK QUESTIONS and seek clarity!  Like I said, I want you ALL to do well, so don't hesitate to contact me via email or phone!! (lls203@psu.edu or 814.553.0324)

Below you will find information that will help answer some of your questions and ease your anxiety.  I look forward to Thursday's class session!  Don't forget to watch the movie!! (http://video.vpt.org/video/1461784111/)


I reached out to the instructional faculty in the Workforce Education Program to assist me in providing some additional information to you.

Jennifer Nichols provided the following information:

"Moodle is an open-source e-learning platform, much like Angel.  Hopefully, it is user-friendly and supports students well virtually.  In my opinion, your students are likely to teach online (at least a little) in their future careers, so it's good to have exposure to multiple e-learning platforms.  None of them are perfect, but they are all works in progress and the best we can do supporting students from a distance."

Here's more on Moodle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moodle

As I mentioned in class, by incorporating the Moodle Assignments into our courses, we have eliminated the stresses of having to take additional credits! Yoohoo!

Sign on to the Moodle site: http://psucteonline.mrooms2.net/
The assignments and descriptions are posted.  Familiarize yourself with the platform and never hesitate to get started!

This is going to be a great semester full of opportunities to grow and stretch yourselves.  Your journey in agriculture education is going to be full of ups and downs, but know you are part of a family that are here to help you SUCCEED! We want nothing but the best for you.  

I look forward to our future sessions and working with each of you!